Looking for my DNA

As I with great delight examine my grandson, I must admit that I am at times looking for my DNA. His eyes are blue and mine are brown — I don't see my DNA there. His personality is so pleasant and mine is… I don't see my DNA there either. I guess I...

Enough Talk Radio, Already!

Critical thinking and discernment yield clarity and truth. But harsh spirited criticism has become a national pastime — not a good thing. Successful talk radio and TV programs feed on negative criticism. Much time, energy and money is spent on this pastime. In...


Spending time with my grandson is a great delight in my life. It has caused me to think about the word delight. Interestingly the Bible speaks often about delight. King David's talks about the object of his delight.   Delight yourself in the Lord and he will...

Intersecting past, present and future

New Year's Day is a rare moment when I reflect on the past, present and future. My average day's schedule does not lend itself to reflection. So what good is this time of reflection and looking toward the future? The apostle James tells me, Now listen, you who...