The First Translation of the Bible

The first translation of the Bible was not into Chinese, Russian or English. Rather the first rendering of the Word of God was Jesus. How creative! I would expect nothing less from God. The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the...

Why is Forgiveness so Hard?

Our God is a forgiving God. Thank God! Over and over in His teachings, Jesus instructed His disciples in the importance of forgiveness (Luke 23:33-34, Mark 11:25, Matthew 6:14-15, Matthew 18:21-35 to name a few). So if forgiveness is so important why is it so hard for...

The Paradox of Love – Grace and Truth

I used to think that love was a "balance between grace and truth" – as if they could be separated. Sometimes, I communicate with EITHER grace OR truth, but not both. The result is a relationship built upon harshness, hurt, and harm, rather than...

Sin Prevention

Intentional prevention always beats the labor of problem solving. The time, energy and resources needed to solve a problem is usually significantly more than the investment in prevention. In healthcare, much is spent on diseases and illnesses that could have been...

Why is Forgiveness So Hard?

Our God is a forgiving God.  Thank God!  Over and over in His teachings, Jesus instructed His disciples in the importance of forgiveness (Luke 23:33-34, Mark 11:25, Matthew 6:14-15, Matthew 18:21-35 to name a few).  So if forgiveness is so important why...