The Painful Process of Character Development

The development of godly character is a desired end for all people who claim to follow Jesus. However, over the years I have learned the hard lesson that the process of character development involves pain, temptation, suffering and hard choices. I have come to expect...

The Object of Our Faith

"My hope is built on nothing less, Than Jesus blood and righteousness" The words of this classic hymn express an important concept — that the object of our faith is its defining characteristic. Our faith is in God through a personal relationship with...

Rhythms of Life

Rhythm is not only found in music, but in all of life. Medically, our bodies exhibit this quality in virtually every organ system of our body. For example, the daily light-dark cycle governs rhythmic changes in our behavior and physiology. Studies have found that...


What bores us? Is it the uninteresting, tedious activity that we all regularly encounter? Is it certain types of people, events or media? In this age of entertainment, I am easily prone to adopt the prevalent mindset that it is the responsibility of others to amuse or...