by marshal | Jan 26, 2012 | Confession, Lessons Learned
"Where are you Daddy?" I heard this pleading cry of a small child while shopping. The reply came quickly, "Daddy is over here. Follow my voice." The little girl in response to her father's voice begged, "Daddy, please keep talking." I...
by marshal | Jan 19, 2012 | Competence, Lessons Learned
"We have too many historians and not enough pioneers." These words were spoken recently by Ron Jaworski on ESPN sports radio. His comments imply that in today's world, people love to critique past events with gusto and confidence. However, few are to be...
by marshal | Jan 12, 2012 | Lessons Learned, Priorities
As I have prayed regarding this New Year, I realize that I have been asking God to solve my problems, heal my medical issues and fix brokenness in my life – not a wrong prayer but a misguided one. What is shaping my thoughts and prayers? My desires or God's...
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