I looked in the mirror and thought… not so bad a guy. Selfishness and pride married to rationalizations and excuses leads to self-deception. Whenever truth ceases to be my goal self-deception seeps in. I don't even realize that I am deceived because I don't know or don't want to know that I am deceived. The potential is deadly.
The writer of the Proverbs knew I would wrestle with self-deception so he wrote,
There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death.
(Proverbs 14:12)
John Dickson in his book, Humilitas says,
"Whatever our skills and expertise what we don't know and can't do far exceeds what we do know and can do. Despite the power of self-deception — and, indeed, as its antidote — a good dose of humility is common sense."
The only way to escape self-deception is to humble myself and trust someone else rather than me as I seek truth. Whom will I trust? I have found only God and His Word to be completely trustworthy.
Join me this week in listening to the voices of those who love us and are telling us truth about ourselves. But even more so, join me in trusting the Author of Truth, our Lord.
Sharing the journey with you,
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