Should I turn right or left? While driving to an appointment, I made the wrong choice at the first red light. The error of my way became quickly evident but every attempt to correct my direction only confused me more. I was lost. Getting "it" right from the beginning is significant. In one of my first jobs, I was taught that a repaired or redone job was never as good as having completed it correctly the first time. The same applies to construction, medicine or just routine chores.

At a recent church missions meeting we listed the most important issues for a new strategy. "Prayer" ended up 14th on the list. Every member was convicted and embarrassment when we realized that it had not been listed as number one..

  • God asked the children of Israel to give from the first of the increase of their harvest and livestock as a sacrifice to Him. (Exodus 13:12,15; Exodus 29:40,41)     
  • Jesus reiterated this theme as He spoke to His disciples in the teachingknown as the Sermon on the Mount. He instructed His disciples that what they first considered treasure would become the primary concern oftheir hearts.(Matthew 6:19-24)    
  • Jesus’ command to the disciples was, "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."(Matthew 6:33 NIV)

Let us make sure that our first responses, this week, are from God’s leading and not our own. His agenda is much more exciting and fulfilling.


Sharing the journey with you,

Bob Snyder