Why is God's presence so important? Moses knew. He realized that he could not accomplish God's purposes without God's presence. In his incredible dialogue with God, Moses said that he would not go any further on his journey unless God accompanied him,

Then Moses said to Him [God], "If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here." Exodus 33:15 NIV

God's palpable presence was that important.

The reality of God's invisible, but very real presence, is sometimes difficult to comprehend. His Spirit is constantly with me and active in my life even when I am unaware.

Yielding to the work of the Holy Spirit provides all that I need. My life becomes a story of God's gracious presence and provision. Amazing!

Will you join me this week in stepping out and recognizing that God is with us?


Sharing the journey with you,

Bob Snyder