As a paperboy, I began each morning reading the sports page, then the comics, and finally the front page. Only then would I hop on my bike and deliver my papers. Those six years of rising at 5 A.M. and reading the daily news instilled in me both an interest in current events and the habit of rising early – still a joy. I must also tell you that to this day I dislike strange dogs. Why? Apparently those moments of dogs nipping at my heels and coasting with my feet clinging near my handle bars are imbedded in my psyche.

I have to believe that the influences of those paperboy days were due to consistency — daily-ness. The paper had to be delivered every day – rain or shine, fatigue or vigor. The essence of our lives is met in the daily-ness of the attitude of our hearts, the daily-ness of the direction of our minds, and the daily-ness of our behavior.

  • Daily we fight our sinful inclinations.
  • Daily we look toward God's mercies.
  • Daily we can count on His consistency.

Let us wake up – ready every day, remembering… Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. (James 1:17 NIV) 


Sharing the journey with you,

Bob Snyder