Relevance vs. Righteousness

I love reading daily newspapers to keep abreast of the current affairs of the world. In addition, sports scores and summaries bring me great pleasure. In reading from the world's point of view and in my desire to be relevant, danger can be lurking — becoming...

Living in Community

Loving God is easier for me early in the morning alone with Him. In fact, sitting in my comfortable chair reading His Word in the quiet of day, sainthood seems attainable. However, later in the day as pressures mount loving others becomes much more difficult. Loving...

Alone With God

But when he was alone with his own disciples, he explained everything.(Mark 4:34 NIV) Alone with God. Sunday worship is vital to my faith and small groups help me to find integration of my faith into community. But it is alone with God where the nooks and crannies of...

What Happened to the Art of Storytelling?

The art of storytelling used to take place at family meals and other gatherings. In today’s society, however, family meals occur less often or not at all. How sad. The stories about our family heritage, our history and our God fade away. Moses had the answer for...