It Seems Right!

What book do I turn to for answers to the difficult questions in my life? A friend of mine believes that everyone's life reflects the beliefs expressed in a book. Increasingly people I know are turning inside themselves for those answers — an...

What Spills When I’m Bumped

Medicine has very sophisticated ways to monitor the physical well-being of patients – heart monitors next to blood pressure machines on top of attachments accessing the oxygen content of the blood. However these incredible machines give an incomplete picture to...

Seeking Wisdom and Power

With the world seeming to increasingly spin out of control, seeking wisdom about and power over the events in my own life sounds like a good idea. However, I often find myself in more distress as I use my own wisdom and power to manipulate the issues of my day. Is...


One of the many challenges during the 20 years of practicing emergency medicine was consistently providing a faithful witness for Christ. It was not easy and I often failed. Yet Jesus said to his disciples … you will be my witnesses … (Acts 1:8). Being a...