And This Is Love: Pray

Loving and caring for my brothers and sisters sometimes requires helping to meet needs: physical, emotional, financial, and sometimes spiritual. At the heart of many spiritual challenges is the issue of sin. What do I do when I see a brother or sister in sin? My...

Submission? You must be kidding!

I remember thinking as a young boy, “No one is going to tell me what to do!” A rebellious spirit is nothing new to me. It is always difficult for me to understand and obey verses in the Bible such as: Submit yourselves therefore to God. James 4:7a ESV...

Hearing Impaired

A blind physician colleague once said to me, "I would rather be blind than deaf." I was taken aback . . . could that be? He explained further by saying that even though he is blind, he can hear all the activity around him. He helped me understand those who...

The End is Coming

Does it feel like the end of the world is coming?  What am I to do?  Horde my money?  Vote for someone who I think will solve my problems?  The apostle Peter, near the end of his life, suggested that my “to-do” list at times like this...