
"What have you learned since you have been freed from the yoke of communism?" I asked. My friend answered, "The lesson I have learned is how easy it is to forget." He went on to say, "It is like taking a shower. If all you have is cold water,...

Amazed by Surprise

Human against human — the atrocities of warring conflict are all too real. As we sat around our dinner table in Budapest, we listened to our Serbian houseguests telling of the history of atrocities between ethnic and religious groups in the former Yugoslavia....

Proof of Identity

I laid my passport and driver's license on the airport check-in counter. In this day of terrorism, travel demands proof of identity — a simple process for most of us. Or so I thought. One New Year's Eve my perspective changed. Two Liberian refugees came...

Split-second decisions

Swerve or hit the rabbit? While driving, my daughter made a decision. No time for a vote. No time for deliberation. Fortunately, she decided not to swerve. To her delight the rabbit scampered off. I often treated those who chose to swerve in the emergency department....